The following is a suggested format for an author's release authorization to post a story to the DK Fanfic Archive. You don't need to follow it exactly as long as the information is in there, but this should make it easy to just cut and paste if you want to. Sorry it's so formal, but I don't want to get anyone mad at me for screwing this up so I wanted to make it as clear as possible!


I [insert author name]*, author of the Forever Knight fanfic story [insert story title], hereby give my specific permission for the aforementioned story to be archived and publicly posted to the Official Dark Knightie Fanfic Archive, Tales of Dark Nicholas, located at If I choose to remove the aforementioned story from the Official Dark Knightie Fanfic Archive site in the future, I understand that I must send a written notice so stating to Becky J. at

Date: [insert date]

Signed: [insert author name]*

E-mail address: [insert author's e-mail address]*

* In the case of stories written by more than one author, each author should send a separate release for the story in question.